

Weber is a Julia package that can be used to generate simple psychology experiments that present visual and auditory stimuli at precise times.

Weber's emphasis is currently on auditory psychophysics, but the package has the features necessary to generate most visual stimuli one would desire as well, thanks to Images.jl. It is named after Ernst Weber. Weber runs on Windows and Mac OS X. Additional functionality can be added through extensions


The following instructions are designed for those new to Julia, and coding in general.

1. Install Julia and Juno

To use Weber you will need to have Julia, and an appropriate code editor installed. Follow these instructions to install Julia and the Juno IDE. Juno is an extension for the code editor Atom (which these instructions will also ask you to download).

2. Install Weber

Once Julia and Juno are installed, open Atom. Go to "Open Console" under the Julia menu.

Image of "Open Console" in Menu

A console window will appear. Type Pkg.add("Weber") in the console and hit enter.

Image of `Pkg.add("Weber")` in Console