Custom Sinks

You can create custom sinks, which can be passed to sink or sink! by defining two methods: SignalOperators.initsink and SignalOperators.sink_helper!. The first method is called when a call to sink is made (e.g. sink(MyCustomSink)). The second method is called inside sink! and provides the core operation to write blocks of frames to the sink. There is already a method of sink_helper! defined for AbstractArray objects, so you likely do not need to implement it if your custom sink is an AbtractArray.

You may also want to implement a constructor of the sink type that takes a single argument x of type SignalOperators.AbstractSignal. This should generally just call sink(x,CustomSink).


Implementing initsink is not strictly necessary. If you do not implement initsink you will only be able to write to the sink using sink!.