Advanced vim presets

This document provides a more advanced set of vim keybindings than provided in the tutorial. The goal of these bindings is to lower the barrier to entry for Vim users who don't want to spend the time defining bindings from ground up. A secondary goal is to show off some of the more advanced features of ModalKeys that were not discussed in the tutorial. For instance, these keybindings use ::doc:: entries to provide visual documentation for all commands.

If you want to modify these presets you can export and modify them using the "ModalKeys: Export a preset for keybindings" command. After making any desired changes you can import them with the "ModalKeys: Import preset keybindings" command.

If you are not interested in how the Vim keybindings are implemented and just want to use them, you can skip this discussion. Just import the presets by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P and running command ModalKeys: Import preset keybindings. You will be presented a choice to import either Vim bindings or any presets that you have created yourself. If you are planning to customize the bindings, or create Vim-style commands from scratch, this document gives you pointers on how to go about doing that.

Unlike the tutorial, the assumption throughout this documentation is that you are familiar with vim. All concepts discussed here are introduced, at least briefly, in the tutorial.

Operator Definitions

We start with the most important feature of a vim-like keymap: the verb-noun format allowing a combinatorial set of commands. The verbs are called operators and they do things to some portion of text. The nouns are called objects and they define some region of text the operators modify. For example delete a word you type d (for delete) and w (for word).


To begin with, we'll define some function to make creating the operators easier. Since imported keybindings can be defined using javascript, this can help generalize our bindings, allowing us to create many keybindings at once.

 * Creates a series of key mappings which select a region of text around
 * or within a given boundary (e.g. {from: "(", to: ")"})
 * @param mappings: a map of key: bounds pairings. Each key is a 
 * single-character string (the key to map), and each bound specifies
 * the region of text around which we can select. 
 * @returns a map of key: command pairings. Two per entry in `mappings`
 * (one for within `i` and one for around `a` the given bounds)
 function aroundObjects(mappings){
    return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(mappings).map(([key, bounds]) => {
        return [
            ["a"+key, { "modalkeys.selectBetween": {
                inclusive: true
            ["i"+key,  { "modalkeys.selectBetween": {
                inclusive: false

 * Helper function. Expands a simpler `bounds` argument to the arguments required for
 * `selectBetween`
 * @param {string | {value: string} | {from: string, to: string}} bounds - 
 *    the characters around which a region should be selected. Can also include
 *    a `regex: true` field to indicate that the bounds are regular expressions to
 *    match, not strings.
 function aroundEntry(bounds){
    return {
        from: typeof(bounds) === 'string' ? bounds : bounds.value || bounds.from,
        to: typeof(bounds) === 'string' ? bounds : bounds.value ||,
        regex: bounds.regex !== undefined,
        docScope: true

 * Defines a series of operators using `params`
 * @param params: an object with the following entires
 *    - operators: an object defining the operators,
 *      each entry should map a key to a command that acts on a selected 
 *      region of text (e.g. `d` to delete).
 *    - objects: an object defining the objects,
 *      each entry should map a key to a command that selects a region of text 
 *      (e.g. `w` selects a word)
 * @returns An object containing all the mappings implied by the operator
 *   object pairsing: e.g. ~n^2 entries. It also defines visual mode
 *   actions for each operator and repeated action commands (e.g. `dd`).
function operators(params){
    let result = {}
    for(const [opkey, opcom] of Object.entries(params.operators)){
        let docmatch = opkey.match(/^::doc::(.*)/)
            result["::doc::normal::"+docmatch[1]] = opcom;
            result["::doc::visual::"+docmatch[1]] = opcom;
            result["::doc::normal::"+opkey+opkey] = { kind: "motion", label: 'line', detail: "repeating an operator performs the action on an entire line"}
            result["normal::"+opkey+opkey] =
                ["modalkeys.cancelMultipleSelections", "expandLineSelection", opcom]
                result["visual::"+opkey] = opcom
            for(const [objkey, objcom] of Object.entries(params.objects)){
                let docmatch = objkey.match(/^::doc::(.*)/)
                    result["::doc::normal::"+opkey + docmatch[1]] = objcom
                    result["normal::"+opkey + objkey] = 
                        ["modalkeys.cancelMultipleSelections", objcom, opcom]
    return result

 * Operator like behavior, but for objects that require the input of some number
 * of characters before the operator can be executed. If we just used the format
 * for `operators` above, the operator would execute before accepting input from
 * the user. To capture user input first, we insert the operator in the
 * `executeAfter` close of the search-like command (see docs for
 * [``](../commands.html#incremental-search)).
function searchOperators(params){
    let result = {}
    for(const [opkey, opcom] of Object.entries(params.operators)){
        for(const [objkey, objcom] of Object.entries(params.objects)){
            let docmatch = objkey.match(/^::doc::(.*)/)
                result["::doc::normal::"+opkey + docmatch[1]] = objcom
                result["normal::"+opkey+objkey] = [
                    executeAfter(objcom, opcom),
    return result

function executeAfter(command, after){
    let command_name = Object.keys(command).filter(str => str !== "repeat")[0]
    return {
        [command_name]: {
            executeAfter: after,
            selectTillMatch: true

Now that we've defined the functions that generator the operator, object combinations, we need to define the individual operators and objects themselves. We define some of these as variables because they need to be re-used in several places


const operator_commands = {
    "::doc::d": { kind: "operator", label: "delete", detail: "delete text and store it in the clipboard (e.g. copy)" },
    d: "editor.action.clipboardCutAction",
    "::doc::y": { kind: "operator", label: "copy", detail: "copy the text to clipboard" },
    y: [ "editor.action.clipboardCopyAction", "modalkeys.cancelMultipleSelections" ],
    "::doc::c": { kind: "operator", label: "change", detail: "delete text and switch to insert mode" },
    c: {
        if: "!__selection.isSingleLine && __selection.end.character == 0 && __selection.start.character == 0",

multi-line selection

        then: [

single line selection

        else: [ 
    "::doc::z.": { kind: "operator", label: "repl", detail: "send text to REPL; use language specific extension if available" },
    "z.": [

TODO: add other languages here

            if: "__language == 'julia'",
            then: "language-julia.executeCodeBlockOrSelectionAndMove",
            else: {
                if: "!__selection.isSingleLine",
                then: "terminal-polyglot.send-block-text",
                else: "terminal-polyglot.send-text"
    "::doc::z;": { kind: "operator", label: "repl", detail: "send text to REPL" },
    "z;": [
            if: "!__selection.isSingleLine",
            then: "terminal-polyglot.send-block-text",
            else: "terminal-polyglot.send-text"
    "::doc::<": { kind: "operator", label: "dedent", detail: "deindent text by current file's indent size" },
    "<": ["editor.action.outdentLines", "modalkeys.cancelMultipleSelections" ],
    "::doc::>": { kind: "operator", label: "indent", detail: "indent text by current file's indent size" },
    ">": ["editor.action.indentLines", "modalkeys.cancelMultipleSelections" ]


Objects around delimeters

These objects are defined by the delimeters that surround them. Note that these are purely textual, and do not handle nesting.

const around_objects = {
    w: { value: "\\W", regex: true },
    p: { value: "^\\s*$", regex: true },
    ...(Object.fromEntries(["'", "\"", "`"].map(c => [c, c])))

Jump to a Character

Advanced cursor motions in Vim include jump to character, which is especially powerful in connection with editing commands. With this motion, we can apply edits up to or including a specified character. The same motions work also as jump commands in normal mode.

All of these keybindings are implemented using the incremental search command, just the parameters are different for each case. Basically we just perform either a forward or backward search and use the "offset" option to determine where the cursor should land.

const search_objects = {
    "::doc::f": { kind: 'motion', label: 'find char →', detail: "move/operate up to and including given character" },
    f: {
        "": {
            "acceptAfter": 1,
            "offset": "inclusive",
            "selectTillMatch": "__mode == 'visual'",
    "::doc::F": { kind: 'motion', label: 'find char ←', detail: "move/operate up to and including given character (moving backwards)" },
    F: {
        "": {
            "acceptAfter": 1,
            "backwards": true,
            "offset": "inclusive",
            "selectTillMatch": "__mode == 'visual'",
    "::doc::t": { kind: 'motion', label: 'find char →', detail: "move/operate up to given character" },
    t: {
        "": {
            "acceptAfter": 1,
            "offset": "exclusive",
            "selectTillMatch": "__mode == 'visual'",
    "::doc::T": { kind: 'motion', label: 'find char ←', detail: "move/operate up to given character (moving backwards)" },
    T: {
        "": {
            "acceptAfter": 1,
            "backwards": true,
            "offset": "exclusive",
            "selectTillMatch": "__mode == 'visual'",
    "::doc::s": { kind: "motion", label: "find char pair", detail: "move/operate to next character pair"},
    s: { "": {
        caseSensitive: true,
        acceptAfter: 2,
        backwards: false,
        offset: 'start',
        wrapAround: true,
        selectTillMatch: "__mode == 'visual'",

    "::doc::S": { kind: "motion", label: "char pair back", detail: "move/operate to previous character pair"},
    S: { "": {
        casSensitive: true,
        acceptAfter: 2,
        backwards: true,
        offset: 'start',
        wrapAround: true,
        selectTillMatch: "__mode == 'visual'",

Game Plan

We've defined everything we need to define before-hand. Now we move to actually creating the keymap.

We start with basic motion commands which are mostly straightforward to implement.

A few notes:

Required extensions

Unlike the tutorial, these settings are not self-contained and make use of a variety of extensions to allow for a better set of features. You wil need the following extensions for all bindings to work properly:

Because we've listed these extensions below, ModalKeys will check for these extensions when you import this preset, and give you the option to install the extensions.

module.exports = {
    "extensions": [

Command Kinds

These document the categories of commands our bindings will defined. They Determine the color coding of keys in the visual documentation.

    "docKinds": [
        { name: 'motion',   description: "Select commands move the cursor and/or selections." },
        { name: 'operator', description: "Operators are actions that take motions as suffix arguments (e.g. to delete (`d`) a word (`w`) you would type `dw`). If you wish to perform the operator action over a single line, you hit the operator key twice. In visual mode, an operator performs it's action over the selected text." },
        { name: 'action',   description: "Actions do something (usually to the text of a document)."},
        { name: 'history',  description: "History commands modify or use the history of executed commands, in some way." },
        { name: 'mode',     description: "Mode commands change the key mode, possibly completely changing what all of the keys do." },
        { name: 'count',    description: "Counts serve as prefix arguments to other commands, and usually determine how many times to repeat the commnad, unless otherwise specified." },
        { name: 'window',   description: "Window commands manipulate the window in some way." },
        { name: 'leader',   description: "Leaders serve as prefixes to an entire list of key commands" }

Motions in Normal Mode

    "keybindings": {

Cursor can be advanced in a file with enter and space. These are not technically motion commands but included for compatibility.

        "::doc::\n": { kind: 'motion', label: '↓', detail: 'move down' },
        "\n": [
            { "cursorMove": { "to": "wrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter" } }
        "::doc:: ": { kind: 'motion', label: '→', detail: 'move right' },
        " ": "cursorRight",

Move cursor up/down/left/right.

    "::doc::h": { kind: "motion", label: "←", detail: "move left" },
    "::doc::j": { kind: "motion", label: '↓', detail: "cove down" },
    "::doc::k": { kind: "motion", label: '↑', detail: "move up" },
    "::doc::l": { kind: "motion", label: '→', detail: "move right" },
    "::doc::0": { kind: "motion", label: 'sol', detail: "move to start of line" },
    "::doc::$": { kind: "motion", label: 'eol', detail: "move to end of line" },
    "::doc::^": { kind: "motion", label: 'first nonwht', detail: "move to first non-whitespace character on line"},
    "::doc::g": { kind: "leader", label: 'extended', detail: "various extended commands" },
    "::doc::g_": { kind: "motion", label: 'first nonwht', detail: "move to first non-whitespace character on line"},
    "::using::cursorMove": {
            "h": { to: 'left', select: '__mode == "visual"', value: '__count' },
            "j": { to: 'down', select: '__mode == "visual"', value: '__count' },
            "k": { to: 'up', select: '__mode == "visual"', value: '__count' },
            "l": { to: 'right', select: '__mode == "visual"', value: '__count' },

Move to first/last character on line.

            "0": { to: 'wrappedLineStart', select: '__mode == "visual"' },
            "$": { to: 'wrappedLineEnd', select: '__mode == "visual"' },

Move to first/last non-blank character on line. Also these ones use the __selecting flag to check whether we are in visual mode.

            "^": { to: 'wrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter', select: '__mode == "visual"' },
            "g_": { to: 'wrappedLineLastNonWhitespaceCharacter', select: '__mode == "visual"' },
    "::doc::": { kind: 'motion', label: 'sel first nonwht', detail: 'select to first non-whitespace' },
    "_": "cursorHomeSelect",

Moving to beginning or end of the file.

        "::doc::gg": { kind: "motion", label: 'doc start', detail: 'move to top of document'},
        gg: "cursorTop",
        "visual::gg": "cursorTopSelect",
        "::doc::G": { kind: "motion", label: 'doc end', detail: 'move to bottom of document'},
        G: "cursorBottom",
        "visual::G": "cursorBottomSelect",

Switch to next and previous tab.

        "::doc::gt": { kind: "window", label: 'tab →', detail: 'show next editor tab'},
        gt: "workbench.action.nextEditor",
        "::doc::gT": { kind: "window", label: 'tab ←', detail: 'show previous editor tab'},
        gT: "workbench.action.previousEditor",

The logic of separating words is bit different in VS Code and Vim, so we will not aim to immitate Vim exaclty. If that's something you want, you might consider looking at Selection Utilities. These keys are mapped to the most similar motion available. The W and B move past all non-space characters, and are implemented using the search command, with appropriate options. To handling of count arguments, we use the repeat option.

        "::doc::w": { kind: 'motion', label: 'word →', detail: 'move to next word start'},
        w: { "cursorWordStartRight": {}, "repeat": "__count" },
        "visual::w": { "cursorWordStartRightSelect": {}, "repeat": "__count" },
        "::doc::e": { kind: 'motion', label: 'word →', detail: 'move to next word end'},
        e: { "cursorWordEndRight": {}, "repeat": "__count" },
        "visual::e": { "cursorWordEndRightSelect": {}, "repeat": "__count" },
        "::doc::b": { kind: 'motion', label: 'word ←', detail: 'move to previous word start'},
        b: { "cursorWordStartLeft": {}, "repeat": "__count"    },
        "visual::b": { "cursorWordStartLeftSelect": {}, "repeat": "__count" },
        "::doc::W": { kind: 'motion', label: 'WORD →', detail: 'move to next WORD start; a WORD is a continguous group of non-whitespace characters'},
        W: {
            "": {
                "text": "\\s+",
                "offset": 'exclusive',
                "regex": true,
                "selectTillMatch": '__mode == "visual"',
                "highlightMatches": false,
                "executeAfter": { cursorMove: { to: 'right', select: '__mode == "visual"' } }
            "repeat": '__count',
        "::doc::E": { kind: 'motion', label: 'WORD end →', detail: 'move to next WORD end; a WORD is a continguous group of non-whitespace characters'},
        E: {
            "": {
                "text": "\\S+",
                "offset": 'inclusive',
                "regex": true,
                "selectTillMatch": '__mode == "visual"',
                "highlightMatches": false,
            "repeat": '__count',
        "::doc::B": { kind: 'motion', label: 'WORD →', detail: 'move to previous WORD start; a WORD is a continguous group of non-whitespace characters'},
        B: {
            "": {
                "text": "\\S+",
                "offset": 'inclusive',
                "regex": true,
                "backwards": true,
                "selectTillMatch": '__mode == "visual"',
                "highlightMatches": false,
            "repeat": '__count',

To jump paragraphs we just search for the first blank line. When moving forward, we need to use executeAfter (which runs a command after search is accepterd). We use this to move one extra character forward to get to the actual empty line because of the way search works with newlines.

        "::doc::}": { kind: 'motion', label: 'paragraph →', detail: 'move to next paragraph'},
        "}": {
            "": {
                "text": "^\\s*$",
                "offset": 'inclusive',
                "regex": true,
                "backwards": false,
                "selectTillMatch": '__mode == "visual"',
                "highlightMatches": false,
                "executeAfter": { "cursorMove": 
                    { to: 'right', select: '__mode == "visual"' } }
            "repeat": '__count',
        "::doc::{": { kind: 'motion', label: 'paragraph ←', detail: 'move to previous paragraph'},
        "{": {
            "": {
                "text": "^\\s*$",
                "offset": 'inclusive',
                "regex": true,
                "backwards": true,
                "selectTillMatch": '__mode == "visual"',
                "highlightMatches": false,
            "repeat": '__count',

Moving cursor to the top, middle, and bottom of the screen is mapped to H (high), M (middle), and L (low) keys.

        "::doc::H": { kind: 'motion', label: 'view top', detail: "move cursor so it is at the top of the viewport" },
        H: { "cursorMove": { to: 'viewPortTop', select: '__mode == "visual"' } },
        "::doc::M": { kind: 'motion', label: 'view center', detail: "move cursor so it is at the center of the viewport" },
        M: { "cursorMove": { to: 'viewPortCenter', select: '__mode == "visual"' } },
        "::doc::L": { kind: 'motion', label: 'view bottom', detail: "move cursor so it is at the bottom of the viewport" },
        L: { "cursorMove": { to: 'viewPortBottom', select: '__mode == "visual"' } },

Move to matching bracket command is somewhat challenging to implement consistently in VS Code. This is due to the problem that there are no commands that do exactly what Vim's motions do, and because VSCode extensions are not allowed to access VS Code's parsing of brackets 😞, and so have to re-implement parsing (see, for example, bracketeer). In normal mode we call the jumpToBracket command which works if the cursor is on top of a bracket, but does not allow for the selection to be extended. In visual mode we use the smartSelect.expand command, which is roughly equivlaent. In many cases, it is more useful motion than jumping to a matching bracket, but using it means that we are diverging from Vim's functionality.

        "::doc::%": { kind: 'motion', label: 'to bracket', detail: 'move cursor to the match bracket' },
        "%": "editor.action.jumpToBracket",
        "::doc::visual::%": { kind: 'motion', label: 'expand', detail: 'expand selection intelligently, use VSCode smart expand' },
        "visual::%": "editor.action.smartSelect.expand",

Search Operators

Having defined the search operators above, we now insert them into the keymap


Repeating the motions can be done simply by calling nextMatch or previousMatch.

        "::doc::;": { kind: "motion", label: "repeat motion →", detail: "Repeating a searching motion (e.g. `f`)"},
        ";": "modalkeys.nextMatch",
        "::doc::,": { kind: "motion", label: "repeat motion ←", detail: "Repeating a searching motion (e.g. `f`) backwards"},
        ",": "modalkeys.previousMatch",

Switching between Modes

Next, we define keybindings that switch between normal, insert, and visual mode:

        "::doc::normal::i": { kind: "mode", label: "insert", detail: "switch to insert mode" },
        "normal::i": "modalkeys.enterInsert",
        "::doc::I": { kind: "mode", label: "insert sol", detail: "move to non-whitespace start of line and switch to insert mode" },
        I: [

The a has to check if the cursor is at the end of line. If so, we don't move right because that would move to next line.

        "::doc::normal::a": { kind: "mode", label: "append", detail: "start insert mode after the current character" },
        "normal::a": [
                "if": "__char == ''",
                "else": "cursorRight"
        "::doc::normal::A": { kind: "mode", label: "append eol", detail: "move to end of line and switch to insert mode" },
        A: [
        "::doc::normal::o": { kind: "mode", label: "open below", detail: "create a line below this one and start insert mode" },
        o: [
        "::doc::normal::O": { kind: "mode", label: "open above", detail: "create a line above this one and start insert mode" },
        O: [

Note that visual mode works a little differently than in vim. We don't seek to mimc visual mode particularly. Basically, we just toggle a switch that allows the motion commands to extend and create selections.

        "::doc::normal::v": { kind: "mode", label: "visual", detail: "start visual-selection mode" },
        "::doc::visual::v": { kind: 'mode', label: 'clear selection', detail: "clear selection and return to normal mode" }, 
        v: "modalkeys.toggleSelection",

Editing in Normal Mode

Editing commands in normal mode typically either affect current character or line, or expect a motion key sequence at the end which specifies the scope of the edit. Let's first define simple commands that do not require a motion suffix:

x and X commands do exactly what Delete and Backspace keys do.

        "::doc::x": { kind: "action", label: "del char →", detail: "delete character to right" },
        x: { "deleteRight": {}, repeat: '__count' },
        "::doc::X": { kind: "action", label: "del char ←", detail: "delete character to left" },
        X: { "deleteLeft": {}, repeat: '__count' },
        "::doc::r": { kind: "action", label: "replace", detail: "replace a single character" },
        r: "modalkeys.replaceChar",

Deleting in Vim always copies the deleted text into clipboard, so we do that as well. If you are wondering why we don't use VS Code's cut command, it has a synchronization issue that sometimes causes the execution to advance to the next command in the sequence before cutting is done. This leads to strange random behavior that usually causes the whole line to disappear instead of the rest of line.

        "::doc::D": { kind: "action", label: "delete eol", detail: "Delete from cursor to end of line" },
        D: [

We utilize existing mappings to implement the C command. It does same thing as keys Di together.

        "::doc::C": { kind: "action", label: "change eol", detail: "Change from cursor to end of line" },
        C: { "modalkeys.typeKeys": { "keys": "Di" } },

Yanking or copying is always done on a selected range. So, below, we make sure that only the rest of line is selected before copying the range to clipboard. Afterwards we clear the selection again.

        "::doc::Y": { kind: "action", label: "copy eol", detail: "Copy from cursor to end of line" },
        Y: [

Pasting text at cursor is done with P key. Following Vim convention p pastes text after cursor position. In both cases we clear the selection after paste, so that we don't accidently end up in visual mode. Note that these do not work exactly the same as the VIM commands. In vim paste behaviors differently depending on whether you have a single line or multiple lines in the clipboard. You would need to write a VSCode extension that inspects the contents of the clipboard before pasting to get this same behavior.

        "::doc::p": { kind: "action", label: "paste →", detail: "paste after cursor" },
        p: [
        "::doc::P": { kind: "action", label: "paste ←", detail: "paste before cursor" },
        P: [

J joins current and next lines together adding a space in between.

        "::doc::J": { kind: "action", label: "join lines", detail: "remove newline char between this and next line" },
        J: "editor.action.joinLines",

Undoing last change is also a matter of calling built-in commands. We clear the selection afterwards.

        "::doc::u": { kind: "action", label: "undo", detail: "Undo last action" },
        u: [
        "::doc::U": { kind: "action", label: "redo", detail: "Redo last action" },
        U: [

The last "simple" keybinding we define is ` that repeats the last command that changed the text somehow. This command is provided by ModalKeys. It checks after each key sequence is typed whether it caused a change in file. If so, it stores the seqeuence as a change. The command just runs the stored keysequence again.

        "::doc::.": { kind: "action", label: "repeat", detail: "repeat the last action or operator" },
        ".": "modalkeys.repeatLastChange",

Editing with Motions

So, far we have kept the structure of keybindings quite simple. Now we tackle the types of keybinding that work in tandem with motion commands. Examples of such commands include:

cib - Change text inside curly braces {}

>G - Indent rest of the file

y`a - Yank text from cursor position to mark a

We can combine any editing command with any motion, which gives us thousands of possible combinations. First type the command key and then motion which specifies the position or range you want to apply the command to.

d<motion>Delete range specified by <motion>
c<motion>Delete range specified by <motion> and switch to insert mode
y<motion>Yank range specified by <motion> to clipboard
><motion>Indent range specified by <motion>
<<motion>Outdent range specified by <motion>
=<motion>Reindent (reformat) range specified by <motion>

We can define all commands listed above in a single keybinding block. Remember that our strategy is just to map the key sequences of the edit commands that use motions to equivalent commands that work in visual mode. We do the specified motion in visual mode selecting a range of text, and then running the command on the selection. It does not matter which editing command we run, all of them can be mapped the same way.

        operators: operator_commands,
        objects: {
            "::doc::j": { kind: 'motion', label: '↓', detail: 'operate over this line and `count` number of lines down' },
            j: [
                    "cursorMove": {
                        to: 'down',
                        by: 'wrappedLine',
                        select: true,
                        value: '__count'
            "::doc::k": { kind: 'motion', label: '↑', detail: 'operate over this line and `count` number of lines up' },
            k: [
                    "cursorMove": {
                        to: 'up',
                        by: 'wrappedLine',
                        select: true,
                        value: '__count'
            "::doc::h": { kind: 'motion', label: '←', detail: 'operate over this line and `count` number of characters to the left' },
            h: [
                    "cursorMove": {
                        to: 'left',
                        select: true,
                        value: '__count'
            "::doc::l": { kind: 'motion', label: '→', detail: 'operate over this line and `count` number of characters to the right' },
            l: {
                "cursorMove": {
                    to: 'right',
                    select: true,
                    value: '__count'
            "::doc::i": { kind: 'leader', label: 'inside pair', detail: 'motions within an area, exclusive of the area\'s boundaries'},
            "::doc::i(": { kind: 'motion', label: "parens", detail: 'operate inside parentheses' },
            "i(": "extension.selectParenthesis",
            "::doc::a": { kind: 'leader', label: 'around pair', detail: 'motions within an area, inclusive of the area\'s boundaries'},
            "::doc::a(": { kind: 'motion', label: "parens", detail: 'operate around parentheses' },
            "a(": "extension.selectParenthesisOuter",
            "::doc::i[": { kind: 'motion', label: "braces", detail: 'operate inside braces' },
            "i[": "extension.selectSquareBrackets",
            "::doc::a[": { kind: 'motion', label: "braces", detail: 'operate around braces' },
            "a[": "extension.selectSquareBracketsOuter", 
            "::doc::i{": { kind: 'motion', label: "brackets", detail: 'operate inside brackets' },
            "i{": "extension.selectCurlyBrackets",
            "::doc::a{": { kind: 'motion', label: "brackets", detail: 'operate around brackets' },
            "a{": "extension.selectCurlyBracketsOuter",
            "::doc::i<": { kind: 'motion', label: "caret", detail: 'operate inside caret' },
            "i<": "extension.selectAngleBrackets",
            "::doc::a<": { kind: 'motion', label: "caret", detail: 'operate around caret' },
            "a<": "extension.selectAngleBracketsOuter",
            "::doc::0": { kind: "motion", label: 'sol', detail: "operate up to start of line" },
            "::doc::$": { kind: "motion", label: 'eol', detail: "operate up to end of line" },
            "::doc::^": { kind: "motion", label: 'first nonwht', detail: "operate up to first non-whitespace character on line"},
            "::doc::g_": { kind: "motion", label: 'first nonwht', detail: "operate up to first non-whitespace character on line"},
            "::doc::gg": { kind: "motion", label: 'eof', detail: "operate back to start of document"},
            "::doc::G": { kind: "motion", label: 'eof', detail: "operate up to end of document"},
            "::doc::H": { kind: 'motion', label: 'view top', detail: "operate to the top of the viewport" },
            "::doc::M": { kind: 'motion', label: 'view center', detail: "operate to the center of the viewport" },
            "::doc::L": { kind: 'motion', label: 'view bottom', detail: "operate to the bottom of the viewport" },
            "::doc::%": { kind: 'motion', label: 'smart region', detail: "operate over the smallest 'smart' region, e.g. when using smart selection expansion."},
            ...(Object.fromEntries(["^", "$", "0", "G", "H", "M", "L", "%", "g_", "gg"].
                map(k => [k, { "modalkeys.typeKeys": { keys: "v"+k } } ]))),

TODO: add docs


Word motions need to be repeated here: otherwise __count will be dropped and the motions won't accept numeric arguments

            "::doc::w": { kind: "motion", label: "word →", detail: "operate to next word start"},
            "w": { "cursorWordStartRightSelect": {}, "repeat": "__count" },
            "::doc::e": { kind: "motion", label: "word end →", detail: "operate to next word end"},
            "e": { "cursorWordEndRightSelect": {}, "repeat": "__count" },
            "::doc::b": { kind: "motion", label: "word ←", detail: "operate to previous word start"},
            "b": { "cursorWordStartLeftSelect": {}, "repeat": "__count" },
            "::doc::W": { kind: "motion", label: "WORD →", detail: "operate to next WORD start; WORD's are contiguous non-whitespace characters"},
            W: {
                "": {
                    "text": "\\S+",
                    "offset": 'inclusive',
                    "regex": true,
                    "selectTillMatch": true,
                    "highlightMatches": false,
                "repeat": '__count',
            "::doc::B": { kind: "motion", label: "WORD →", detail: "operate to previous WORD start; WORD's are contiguous non-whitespace characters" },
            B: {
                "": {
                    "text": "\\S+",
                    "offset": 'inclusive',
                    "regex": true,
                    "backwards": true,
                    "selectTillMatch": true,
                    "highlightMatches": false,
                "repeat": '__count',
            "::doc::[": { kind: 'motion', label: 'indent (exclusive)', detail: "operate within indented region (all the same indent or more indendented than current line)" },
            "::doc::{": { kind: 'motion', label: 'indent (inclusive)', detail: "operate around indented region (all the same indent or more indendented than current line, plus the line just above and below this)" },
            "[": "",
            "{": "",

            operators: operator_commands,
            objects: search_objects,

TODO: add docs

            map(([bind, command]) => {
           return ["visual::"+bind, command]

       "::doc::i(": { kind: "motion", label: "parens (exclusive)", detail: "select text surrounded by parentheses (don't include parens)"},
       "visual::i(": "extension.selectParenthesis",
       "::doc::a(": { kind: "motion", label: "parens (inclusive)", detail: "select text surrounded by parentheses (include parens)"},
       "visual::a(": "extension.selectParenthesisOuter",
        "::doc::i[": { kind: "motion", label: "braces (exclusive)", detail: "select text surrounded by braces (don't include braces)"},
       "visual::i[": "extension.selectSquareBrackets",
        "::doc::a[": { kind: "motion", label: "braces (inclusive)", detail: "select text surrounded by braces (include braces)"},
       "visual::a[": "extension.selectSquareBracketsOuter",
        "::doc::i{": { kind: "motion", label: "brackets (exclusive)", detail: "select text surrounded by brackets (don't include brackets)"},
       "visual::i{": "extension.selectCurlyBrackets",
        "::doc::a{": { kind: "motion", label: "brackets (inclusive)", detail: "select text surrounded by brackets (include brackets)"},
       "visual::a{": "extension.selectCurlyBracketsOuter",
        "::doc::i<": { kind: "motion", label: "carets (exclusive)", detail: "select text surrounded by carets (don't include brackets)"},
       "visual::i<": "extension.selectAngleBrackets",
        "::doc::a<": { kind: "motion", label: "carets (inclusive)", detail: "select text surrounded by carets (include brackets)"},
       "visual::a<": "extension.selectAngleBracketsOuter",

       "::doc::gd": { kind: "action", label: "go to definition", detail: "jump to the definition under the symbol under the cursor"},
       gd: "editor.action.revealDefinition",
       "::doc::gq": { kind: "action", label: "wrap text", detail: "wrap text, keeping comment characters preserved (at startof line)"},
       gq: "rewrap.rewrapComment",


Searching introduces a pseudo-mode that captures the keyboard and suspends other commands as long as search is on. Searching commands are shown below.

/Start case-sensitive search forwards
?Start case-sensitive search backwards
nSelect the next match
pSelect the previous match

Note: Searching commands work also with multiple cursors. As in Vim, search wraps around if top or bottom of file is encountered. Note that we use a separate register ("search") so that the state of the last search (for next and previous matches) are different from the commands that are called to implement f and friends.

       "::doc::/": { kind: "motion", label: "search →", detail: "search forwards for text; all following characters that you type are included in the search. You must hit enter to complete entry." },
        "/": [
                "": {
                    "caseSensitive": true,
                    "wrapAround": true,
                    "register": "search",
                    "selectTillMatch": "__mode == 'visual'"
        "::doc::?": { kind: "motion", label: "search ←", detail: "search backwards for text; all following characters that you type are included in the search. You must hit enter to complete entry." },
        "?": {
            "": {
                "backwards": true,
                "caseSensitive": true,
                "wrapAround": true,
                "register": "search",
                "selectTillMatch": "__mode == 'visual'"
        "::doc::n": { kind: "motion", label: "search →", detail: "go to the next search match" },
        n: { "modalkeys.nextMatch": {register: "search", selectTillMatch: "__mode == 'visual'"}},
        "::doc::N": { kind: "motion", label: "search ←", detail: "go to the previous search match" },
        N: { "modalkeys.previousMatch": {register: "search", selectTillMatch: "__mode == 'visual'" } },
        "::doc::*": { kind: "motion", label: "match →", detail: "go to next match of object under cursor (or current selection)"},
        "normal::*": [
            { "": {
                text: "__wordstr",
                wrapAround: true,
                register: "search"
        "visual::*": [
            { "": {
                text: "__selectionstr",
                wrapAround: true,
                register: "search"
        "::doc::#": { kind: "motion", label: "match ←", detail: "go to previous match of object under cursor (or current selection)"},
        "normal::#": [
            { "": {
                text: "__wordstr",
                wrapAround: true,
                backwards: true,
                register: "search"
        "visual::#": [
            { "": {
                text: "__selectionstr",
                wrapAround: true,
                register: "search"

Miscellaneous Commands

Rest of the normal mode commands are not motion or editing commands, but do miscellaenous things.

:Show command menu (same as Ctrl/CmdShiftP)
zzCenter cursor on screen
ZZSave file and close the current editor (tab)
ZQClose the current editor without saving

Note that ZQ command still asks to save the file, if it has been changed. There is no way to get around this in VS Code.

        "::doc:::": { kind: "action", label: "command", detail: "open VSCode command palette" },
        ":": "workbench.action.showCommands",
        "::doc::z": { kind: "mode", label: "window", detail: "some window related commands" },
        "::doc::Z": { kind: "mode", label: "window", detail: "some window related commands" },
        "::doc::zz": { kind: "action", label: "center window", detail: "center view on cursor" },
        zz: { "revealLine": { lineNumber: '__line', at: 'center' } },
        "::doc::zz": { kind: "action", label: "center window", detail: "center view on cursor" },
        zt: { "revealLine": { lineNumber: '__line', at: 'top' } },
        "::doc::zz": { kind: "action", label: "center window", detail: "center view on cursor" },
        zb: { "revealLine": { lineNumber: '__line', at: 'bottom' } },
        "::doc::zz": { kind: "action", label: "save and close", detail: "save and close active editor" },
        ZZ: [
        "::doc::ZQ": { kind: "action", label: "close", detail: "close active editor" },
        ZQ: "workbench.action.closeActiveEditor"


The list of commands we provided is by no means exhaustive but still contains about a thousand key combinations that cover many commonly used Vim operations. This is quite a nice achievement considering that we only wrote about 400 lines of configuration, and most of it is pretty trivial. This demonstrates that ModalKeys's functionality is powerful enough to build all kinds of operations that make modal editors like Vim popular.

For a full least of features available in ModalKeys, please refer to the documentation

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